A brief recap: Since arriving at Ocean Villas Luz in August 2020, our resident writer David Lugg has been experiencing all aspects of Luz Life. This is his March 2022 review:
There is no shortage of inspiration here in Praia da Luz. Equally, there is no shortage of people that have been inspired by her charms. You don’t have to look too far to find artists, photographers, yoga teachers, dancers, musicians, writers – the western Algarve is a melting pot of artistic talent.
It’s all part of something I’m calling the ‘Luz Effect’. It stems from a confidence of knowing you’re in a great place – both physically and mentally – and it’s evident on the faces of everyone you meet. If you’ve ever been to Praia da Luz, you probably know what I mean.
As I write this blog, we are experiencing a rare grey morning, yet the light in Luz offers a re-affirming lustre as if to say ‘don’t worry mate, sunshine is on its way’. I have no doubt that the light plays its part in understanding why the town attracts so many talented people. With a little investigation, there is plenty to keep every artistically-minded individual happy.

Undoubtedly, one of the local highlights is a splendid little theatre in the nearby village of Barão de São Miguel. Transformed from an old primary school, ‘Mãozorra’ offers an eclectic mix of musicians, comedians and even puppet shows. I recently saw a captivating performance of ‘fado’ from the fabulous Ana Sofia Marques. What a great little place, both for adults and children.
Opened in 2021, we now have a cultural centre in the town called ‘Luz Cultura’ which offers singing lessons, creative workshops, art exhibitions and much more. What’s more, it is aimed at tourists as well as locals so there’s plenty of reason to pop along and get your creative juices flowing.
Even closer to home, our lovely yoga instructor, Diana, offers ‘Yoga by the sea’ in our private gardens at Ocean Villas Luz. There can be few finer places to clear the mind than an oceanfront garden where all you can hear is the gentle crashing of the waves.

But my main objective this month is to announce that The Luz Effect has worked its magic on me too. For the past year or so, I have been writing some electronic music with a very good friend of mine. Our hard work has come to fruition as we have just signed a contract with a record label in Germany and have released our debut E.P. There you go! I bet you didn’t see that coming!
My group is called ‘Division Code’ and our E.P is titled ‘Outside These Walls’. If you fancy a listen (and please do) we are on all of the music platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and many more (I’ll add a link at the bottom of the blog). All those hours spent on the terrace of Ocean Villas Luz with a gin and tonic, have finally paid off. It turns out I wasn’t getting drunk, I was getting inspired. Well, that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

Aside from Division Code, there’s plenty of live music to choose from in the area. We have live jazz at the Fortaleza every Sunday (in summer), there are countless acoustic musicians in neighbouring Lagos and there is a range of summer festivals on the beach in Portimão, just 30 minutes away.
So, the moral of today’s story? A visit to Praia da Luz is not only great for a holiday, it is also good for the soul. Next time you come to Luz, make sure you seek out a little artistic activity. I can certainly attest that the benefits of the Luz Effect can be quite rewarding.
*** The ‘Division Code’ Spotify Link is Here ***
Or HERE if you don’t have Spotify
(Perfect for sitting on the terrace at Ocean Villas Luz – with a gin and tonic of course)
More news next month.
David Lugg
(All photo images owned by David Lugg)