A brief recap: Since arriving at Ocean Villas Luz in August 2020, our resident writer David Lugg has been experiencing all aspects of Luz Life. This is his November 2022 review:
The best-selling author, Irving Welsh, was recently asked if he could recall the most memorable night of his life. ‘I’ve had quite a few’ he said, ‘but, paradoxically, if they were that good, you wouldn’t be able to remember them’. Having spent fifteen fun-filled years of my life in London I can certainly understand where he’s coming from., I’m not sure I could pinpoint a top ten, let alone a top one. But then, in June 2022, something momentous happened. Something so small but undoubtedly memorable.
Previously, if someone had mentioned children to me, I would have had a fleeting knowledge that they were similar to adults, but smaller with higher-pitched voices. Apparently, I was a child once – I’ve seen the photos so I can prove it – but it’s fair to say that children were something I had read about in books or briefly held at dinner parties before refilling my glass of wine. But now, my life has been suddenly filled with nappies, cuddles and 3am wake up calls. And I love it.

I had no idea it would be this much fun. Why didn’t anyone tell me? More likely they did, but I was busy concentrating on which theatre or club to go to next. At the back of my mind, I was probably aware of sleepless nights, baby sick (and worse) on my clothes and being permanently tired. On paper, it’s not a job anyone would voluntarily apply for, but now that I have been employed in this full-time position, it’s the best thing. Ever.
It transpires that the western Algarve is a great place to bring up a baby. It is a destination that excels in simplicity – and babies don’t need too much more than milk, love and cuddles – M.L.C for short. You can offer M.L.C anywhere in the world, but there are few better options than Praia da Luz. I won’t ever forget the look on my daughter’s face when she put her feet in the soft Luz sand for the first time.

There are also a number of unexpected perks that come with the role of being a parent in Portugal. The first one is fame. The streets are filled with a plethora of ladies wishing to come up and offer cuddles to my daughter. I’m thinking of organising a ticketing system; or getting her a booking agent. And then there’s shopping, something that I usually despise due to slow-moving checkout queues. Well, not any more. All parents with babies get ushered to the front of the queue within seconds. The first couple of times I felt guilty but now I feel like royalty.

As many of you know, being a parent is not easy but if, like me, you have a toddler in your life, may I suggest that you take a trip to the Algarve. Temperatures in November hovered around 20 degrees and the beaches were as quiet as they were beautiful. You’ll also feel a sense of fame and royalty. What’s not to like?

After all, what do we really need in life more than milk, love and cuddles? Okay, your milk might be a glass of red wine or a cold beer, but the essence remains the same. The only question is where you choose to have your fix of M.L.C. I recommend a lovely little place called Ocean Villas Luz in Praia da Luz. It’s the M.L.C capital of Portugal.
To all the Mums and Dads out there, I raise a glass of warm milk in your honour. Here’s to you!
More news next month.
David Lugg
#oceanvillasluz #davidluggwriter
(All photo images owned by David Lugg)
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