A brief recap: Since arriving at Ocean Villas Luz in August 2020, writer David Lugg has been experiencing all aspects of Luz Life. This is his review of 2022:
It was a cool start to 2022 as the Algarve experienced some rare cold temperatures. After such a long spell of splendid weather, I found it mildly disconcerting to see people wearing coats and hats. On closer inspection, I noticed that it was only the locals who were dressed up in full winter gear. Many tourists defiantly continued to wear shorts; their enthusiasm for Algarve life tempered only by the closure of the ice cream parlour for the month of January.
Mercifully, nothing lasts forever (aside from Portuguese supermarket queues), and winter kindly stepped aside for the onset of spring. With it came a veritable explosion of life. As a fairly well-travelled chap, I have enjoyed the pleasures of this wonderful season across many nations, but I maintain that spring in the Algarve is as impressive as anywhere in the world. The vivid displays of wildflowers are truly kaleidoscopic. If you are lucky to find yourself in Luz in the month of April, take a short 10-minute drive up to the hills and experience the natural landscape at its finest. It is a positive affirmation of life.

Speaking of life, this brings me to June 2022 – a month that will live with me forever and, let’s be honest, probably the main reason for this unwanted change of hair colour. In June, I welcomed my wonderful little girl into the world. Before her birth, I was probably more apprehensive than excited, but it is clear that the world is a better place now that my little girl is in it. Every day is a magical day…and exhausting…but definitely magical.
After a brief hibernation where I quickly learned a lot of things about babies that they don’t show you in films, I returned to see an Algarve summer in full swing. It is not just the sight of the sea and the beach that fills you with joy, it is the shouts and squeals of happy families building sandcastles and jumping the waves (and that’s just the Mums and Dads). One of the key selling points of Praia da Luz is its simplicity. Even the grumpiest of teenagers will soon put down their phones and enjoy everything that you did when you were the same age.

Autumn arrived but you wouldn’t notice any change as the weather remained at its splendorous best. Dolphins regularly popped up to say hello and the diversity of migrating birds was as astonishing as ever. Praia da Luz continued on its own merry journey whilst scores of happy Ocean Villas clients reluctantly departed, but promised to return again next year. Autumn may not offer the same colour as spring, but it is as vibrant and beguiling as any time of year.

Finally, our old friend winter decided to make a belated appearance. Aside from a few days of (much-needed) rain, winter has been on fine form. The long days certainly make a difference. Even at its earliest, the sun sets in Luz at 17:17 and by the new year it is closer to six than to five.

I’ve got more good news. It turns out that the offending grey hair didn’t belong to me. The culprit actually came from our cat ‘Gustaw’. Thank you 2022. It has been a memorable year and only in a good way. Now (yawn), if only I could finally get some slee….ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
More news next month.
David Lugg
#oceanvillasluz #davidluggwriter
(All photo images owned by David Lugg)
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