A brief recap: Since arriving at Ocean Villas Luz in August 2020, writer David Lugg has been experiencing all aspects of Luz Life. This is his review of the February 2025:
As we all know, the west Algarve is blessed with some breathtaking scenery. With its glorious coastline, untouched natural parks and stunning rolling hills, the region justifiably ranks as one of Europe’s top holiday destinations. Yet, for all of its enviable aesthetics, I would suggest that many of its best qualities are those that we cannot touch – the intangibles.
When it comes to holidays, the intangible benefits rarely have the same exposure or publicity. Our postcards home to Granny seldom mention the sound of the sea nor the smell of the food, but these elements are just as important even if we don’t acknowledge them. Just because we can’t reach out and touch something doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t appreciate it. I’ll give you an example.

In the winter months, the daylight hours are long. In fact, the earliest sunset last year was 17:17. Indeed, by early February, I can leave work and still have time to take my daughter down to the beach to build a sandcastle and jump the waves. It is, perhaps, one of the principal benefits of living in this splendid part of the world.
Another intangible asset that I do not take for granted is the sanguine sensation of winter sunshine on my skin. Close your eyes on a beautiful day in the Algarve and you will find the corners of your mouth stretching upwards to form a smile. It’s a natural reaction we all have. Supposedly, the brain is releasing a hormone called serotonin that can trigger happiness. That said, wherever you are right now, if you close your eyes and imagine you are sitting in the warm Algarve sunshine, the beginnings of a little grin will appear. It can turn a ropey day into a rosy day. (Disclaimer – it doesn’t work so well if you are in your office on a Monday morning).

And let us not forget the sea. We can all speak with great enthusiasm about its vibrant colour and refreshing nature, but the sound of the sea plays such an important role too. Whether it be gentle lapping waves or booming crashes in a storm, the sound of the sea can give our spirits a lift, or even soothe our souls. The sea is an inspiration and that is one of the greatest intangible benefits of all.

When I give prospective guests a tour of Ocean Villas Luz, I always explain that, yes the villas are great and the views are spectacular, but there is a lovely, convivial atmosphere amongst the guests that is hard to put into words and harder to show on our website. It is this community vibe and sense of familiarity that brings people back again.

To conclude, I love the untamed scenery of the western Algarve with its dramatic cliffs and azure sea. But I also love the intangible side – cherishing a stolen hour on the beach after work with my daughter; watching the setting sun turn Praia da Luz into a golden haze and closing my eyes and letting the sun’s rays warm my skin.
Please forgive me if my words seem a little over-zealous this month, but I have the feeling that summer is very much on its way. In what will surely be the only comparison between myself and Winston Churchill, the great man once said “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible”. I’m still working on the impossible but I’m doing a pretty good job of the other two.
More news next month.
David Lugg
All photo images owned by David Lugg